Southeast Alabama Highland Games
SEAHG 290 N Daleville Avenue, Daleveille, AL, United States7 event game. Be at the field at 8 am. Throwing begins at 9 am. No refunds after Sept. 1st. Classes are subject to modification based on demand.
7 event game. Be at the field at 8 am. Throwing begins at 9 am. No refunds after Sept. 1st. Classes are subject to modification based on demand.
Contact Kerry Overfelt for details and registration.
7 event game to benefit Place of Hope North Georgia. $45 registration. Classes will be determined by interest level and are subject to change at the AD's discretion. No refunds…
7 Event game. Be at the field by 8 am. Competition begins at 9. Clinic for new throwers Friday at 5 pm.
7 event Highland Game
The Open, the Women's Open, and the Master's Open will compete on Saturday October 12th. Registration is $100 and cash payout will be the reward for the winners. Total purse…
Saturday 11/09/2024- Men's A, Men's B, Lightweight Men and Women, and Novice class. Sunday 11/10/2024- Men's Masters 40-49, 50-59, 60+ and Women Masters Thrower clinic to be determined by demand…